• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valeri171230
  • hace 8 años

Necesito un dialogo en ingles con verbo to be en pasado y presente simple de 2 personas y debemos hablar 10 veces cada una con saludo y despedida


Respuesta dada por: aliendres13

Aquí tienes la conversación:

Jim: Hello, Karen, welcome back! How was your holiday?

Karen: It was great!

Jim: Where did you go?

Karen: I went to Rome.

Jim: Oh, that’s interesting. How was the weather?

Karen: It was nice. Warm and sunny.

Jim: Did you like the food?

Karen: Of course, it was wonderful. The pasta was amazing, and the pizza was incredible.

Jim: Did you go by yourself?  

Karen: No, I didn’t. I went with my friend Jessica. She has some friends living there.

Jim: Did you see all the famous monuments?

Karen: Yes, I did. I saw the Coliseum, and the Fontana Trevi, and all the rest. It’s such a beautiful city!

Jim: Did you visit the Vatican City?

Karen: Yes, but it was very crowded. I walked around Saint Peter’s Square and looked at all the beautiful architecture.

Jim: Did you have a good time?

Karen: Yes, I did. I hope to go back some day.

Jim: How did you get there?  

Karen: I got there by plane. The flight only takes a couple of hours.

Jim: Was it expensive?

Karen: The ticket wasn’t very expensive, but Italy is generally more expensive than Spain.

Karen: And you, Jim? Did you go on holiday yet?

Jim: No, not yet. But I’m going to Turkey next week!

Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

Diálogo entre 2 personas de inglés de 20 lineas

  • Doctor: Good afternoon, Mr. Angel.
  • Patient: Good afternoon doctor.
  • Doctor: Tell me, why did you come to the office?  
  • Patient: I had shoulder pain that didn't let me sleep.
  • Doctor: Tell me, where exactly?
  • Patient: On my left shoulder, I can barely move it because it hurts a lot.
  • Doctor: Tell me, what happened to you having this pain?
  • Patient: Two days ago, I slipped into the bathroom and fell on my shoulder to protect myself.
  • Doctor: Why didn't you come directly to the hospital?
  • Patient: I thought the pain would go away and that it was just a blow.
  • Doctor: Let me check your shoulder ... Okay, I can see it's dislocated, what I'm going to do is going to hurt a lot ... Please, breathe.
  • Patient: Ouch!
  • Doctor: The shoulder is already in place. You should try to move your shoulder during the day so that the pain goes away.
  • Patient: Ok doctor, but it still hurts a lot.
  • Doctor: I understand ... Take a pill of these ... I need your mobility so that the pain disappears more easily.
  • Patient: Thank you very much doctor.
  • Doctor: Calm down, Mr. Angel. Be more careful for the next one and don't hesitate to come so that you don't spend your days in pain.
  • Patient: Yes, I already know.
  • Doctor: You have to take this pill when the pain comes back.
  • Patient: Thank you Doctor.

Ver más en: brainly.lat/tarea/1927606

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