Oraciones en presente perfecto con todos los irregular english verbs
We have lived in this house for over twenty years. (Hemos vivido en esta casa por más de veinte años.)
She has never been to Florida. (Nunca ha estado en Florida.)
I’m bored; I have seen this film a thousand times. (Me aburro; he visto esta película mil veces.)
You have given up hope. (Has perdido la fe.)
I’ve lost my keys. (He perdido mis llaves.)
We have spoken about this issue in numerous occasions. (Hemos hablado de este tema en numerosas oportunidades.)
The project has cost them oven five thousand dollars. (El proyecto les ha costado más de cinco mil dólares.)
Have you ever been to Poland? (¿Alguna vez has estado en Polonia?)
We’ve become friends over the year. (Nos hemos hecho amigos con los años.)
I’ve learned this recipe by heart. (He aprendido esta receta de memoria
Espero que te sirva.
She has lived here all her life.
They have written three letters already.
I have worked here since I graduated school.
He has finished his homework.
We have been to Canada last year.
She has forgotten her folder in her car.
Susan has found her pursue.
Pete has played tennis at school.
(Dime si precisas más hay muchos verbos irregulares)