• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bryanvelasco49
  • hace 8 años


bryanvelasco49: QUE SEA EN PASADO SIMPLE
bryanvelasco49: Puede ser cuento, texto, relato, historia pero que sea largo y en ingles con su traducción


Respuesta dada por: dogelol

Before the law

Before the law there is a guardian. A peasant appears in front of this guardian, and asks to be allowed to enter the Law. But the guardian replies that he can not let him in for now. The man reflects and asks if they will let him in later.

"Maybe," says the sentinel, "but not for now.

The door that gives to the law is open, as usual; When the guardian has a side, the man leans in to spy. The guardian sees him, smiles and says:

-If your wish is as great as the proof of entering despite my prohibition. But remember that I am powerful. And I'm just the last of the guardians. Between the hall and the hall there are also guardians, each more powerful than the other. Already the third guardian is so terrible that I can not even look at him.

The peasant had not foreseen these difficulties; The law should always be accessible to all, to think, but at his side, with his coat of furs, his big, aquiline nose, his black beard of tartar, thin and black, decide what is better to wait. The guardian gives him a footstool and allows him to sit on the side of the door.

There wait days and years. He tries infinitely to enter and tires the guardian with his supplications. Often the guardian briefly talks with him, questions about his country and about many other things; However, he always repeats that he can not let him in. The man, who has provided himself with many things for the trip, sacrificed everything, for valuable that sea, for bribing the guardian. He accepts everything, in effect, but says:

-I accept so you do not think that you have omitted any effort.

During those long years, the man almost always observes the guardian: he forgets the others and it seems to him that this is the only obstacle that separates the law. Curse your bad luck, during the first years boldly and loudly; later, as he grows older, he only mutters to himself. It returns to childhood, as well as to its careful and long duration. Finally, your eyesight weakens, and you do not know if there really is less light, or if only your eyes deceive you. But in the middle of the darkness there is a radiance that emerges inexhaustibly from the door of the Law. He has little time left to live. Before dying, all the experiences of those long years are confused in his mind in a single question, which until now he has not formulated. The body has been saved for a long time. The guardian is forced to duck a lot to talk to him, because the disparity of heights between them has increased considerably over time, for the progress of the peasant.

-What do you want to know now? the guardian asks. You're insatiable.

"Everyone strives to get to the Law," says the man; How is it possible that for so many years nobody but me wanted to enter?

The guardian understands that the man is about to die, and so that he does not miss

dogelol: oh
dogelol: ya valio :v
bryanvelasco49: algun otro
bryanvelasco49: pero en pasado
dogelol: :v
bryanvelasco49: ????
dogelol: Sarah’s love story

One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family, she had a quick shower, and left home to work.

On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where the closest bank was. She told him where it was. The man asked her if she could go with him to the bank and to have a cup of coffee afterwards. She said yes.

dogelol: Sarah and the man had coffee. After that, they went to the cinema and then to a disco. They danced for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s name, she didn’t add him on Facebook or Whatsapp. At midnight, the man said he had to go to the bathroom, but he didn’t come back.

Sarah fell in love with the man; she wanted the man to come back. She waited for him for 5 years, but he didn’t come back. Sarah had lost all hope about love. She prayed to God frequently.
dogelol: One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to her and asked her what time it was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same man; his name was Joseph.

They married 8 months later and had 2 beautiful daughters

Ver más en Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/11014664#readmore
dogelol: ya :v
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