• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Drl00
  • hace 8 años

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Respuesta dada por: DylanEIintelectual

Rewrite the following sentences in the correct order.

1. a) My grandfather told me that entertainment was reading a good book.

b) The reporter asked Angelina Jolie how long she had been married.

c) Jessica said she enjoyed reading a magazine named Glamour.

d) Martin said he was happy to study at Preparatoria No.5

e) The editor said that we had written a great article.

Respuesta dada por: arkyta

a) My grandfather told me that reading a book was a good entertainment.

b) The reporter asked Angelina Jolie how long she had been married.

c) Jessica said that she enjoyed reading a magazine named Glamour.

d) Martin said that he was happy to study at Preparatoria N° 5.

e) The editor had said that we had written a great article.-

(todas las palabras de casa oración usadas como se pide y en el prden correcto, espero que te sirva)

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