traducción al español:
Triptico harassment :
1. What is school violence? It refers to all forms of aggressive behavior, intentional and repeated. "Abuse of power and desire to intimidate and dominate." TYPES OF VIOLENCE . PHYSICS .SEXUAL .PSYCHOLOGICAL .CIBERNETIC .MEDIATING DISCRIMINATION EXCLUSION Aggressor: who exercises violence Victim: who has violence Observers: aggression), or passive (only spectators) How prevent it? fomentaentushijosvalore as responsibility, solidarity and work and equipment, among others. Avoid that you have shouted insults. Promotes dialogue and emotional demonstrations among the members of the family. Teach your children to control their emotions and impulses. Determine limits and discipline in the management of your behavior. .Relate yourself and know the friends of your children. How to know if your child is a victim of school violence? 1 presentalesionesfísicas 2 loses or suspenene suspenenencias 3 has mood changes 4 becomes sad 5 passes muchotiemposolo 6 has no friends 7 suscalificacioneshanbajado 8 has contact changes with the book Help him! .Demonstrate that you care about your situation. Listen to it and you have your attention . It works and strengthens its self-esteem. Alternative alternatives of solution. It analyzes with the causes of the aggressions. It assists the school authorities and the dependencies that are final indicales of this triptych and denounces the fact.