Get up = levantarse .
He got up very early this morning.
Get = llegar
I got home at 11 o’clock last night.
Get = recibir
Did you get the message I sent you?
Get = conseguir
He got a job in a shop downtown.
Get used to = acostumbrarte
The weather in London is terrible, but you get used to it.
Get better = mejorar
My English is getting a lot better.
Get along with someone = llevarte bien con alguien
She doesn’t get along very well with her coworkers.
Get drunk = emborracharte
He got really drunk at the party last week.
Get a cold = pillar un resfriado / resfriarte
I think I’m getting a cold. I feel terrible!
Get over something = superar algo
Pepita broke my heart, but eventually I got over her… when I met Sylvia!
I got up very early yesterday
You got off work late last friday .
She didn´t get mad with me
They got wet this morning
We got the answer that we wanted
Larry got married one month ago
It just got away from me
You got a excellent family