• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: patycastillo78
  • hace 8 años

3. Using the information from the chart below make a comparison between two cities Los Angeles and New York. You need to include adjectives, comparatives and superlatives, places that people can visit and the activities that you can do there. Do not forget to include linking words: First, second, and , so , because, but, then, finally. (70 – 90 words,
este es mi tema, me pueden ayudar en cuanto a la redaccion...
The angeles city is more beautiful than the new york city because there are places like hollywood, Beverly Hills, Gruaman's, Chinese Theater and Disneyland that people can visit and funny. However, The new york have others places likes Statue of Liberty, Central park, times square, Broadway and Brooklyn bridge also attractive.
The angeles city have 3,857,799 more inhabitants than the new york city with a settled of 1781 square miles bigger than the new york city. although in January and low temperature in new york. also, The two city have temperature similar although in January the low temperature in new york. Finally, I think that by investigating a little of these cities we can choose the best place and enjoy alone or with family


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
-that people can visit and *funny*( funny se usa como adjetivo, en lugar de funny usa enjoy) enjoy it.
-The new york *have* (has) others places likes Statue of Liberty
-The angeles city *have* (has) 3,857,799 more inhabitants
-The two *city* (cities) have similar temperature*
-although in January the temperature is low in new york

patycastillo78: muchas gracias
Anónimo: ahr ;v
Respuesta dada por: ibthanna

An example of a text making a comparison between The City of Los Angels and New York City is as follows

Los Angeles  and New York City

The city of Los Angeles is more beautiful than New York City because there are places where people can visit and have fun, like Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Grauman's, Chinese Theater, and Disneyland. However, New York has others places like the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, Broadway, and Brooklyn bridge also attractive.

Los Angeles city has 3,857,799 more habitants than New York City, also, it is 1781 square miles bigger than New York City. Both cities have similar weather, however, during January, temperatures are cooler in New York.

Finally, if we do a little research we can choose the place we like the most.

aprende más sobre comparatives



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