• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: riquelmegabriela16
  • hace 8 años

Actividad: Rewrite the following sentences in the form of conditonals.

1- If she doesn't pay the fine, he may go to prinsion. UNLESS........

2-I didn't apply for that job as I don´t want to work there. IF....

3-You can take photos here if you don´t use the flah. UNLESS...

4- I don't know here very well, so I didn´t talk to her. IF....

5- It rained heavily so we didn´t see much of the city. IF...

6- I learnt about this programme this programme because you helped me. IF...

7- You feel so tired because you woek too much. IF

8- she's too nervous . Her presentation are usually boring. IF..


Respuesta dada por: DylanEIintelectual

1. Unless she pays the fine, she's going to prision.

2. I would apply for that job if I wanted to work there.

3. You can take photos here unless you don't use flash.

4. If I knew her well, I would talk to her.

5. If it hadn't rained, we could have seen the city.

6. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have learned about this programme.

7. If you hadn't slept so much, you would be tired. * No entendí la parte de woek *

8. If she weren't so nervous, her presentations wouldn't usually be boring.

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