• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: karelimartines
  • hace 8 años

quien me puede ayudar a hacer una conversación en ingles sobre halloween.?

estebanxdxdxd15: te ayudo si la pones devuelta pero pones mas puntos


Respuesta dada por: marinerito563

Peter: Halloween is in just a couple of days. Does anybody have a costume?

Akinyi: You want to dress up [disfrazarte] and go trick-or-treating [ir a pedir dulces a las casas vecinas]? Isn’t that only for kids?

Lucía: Halloween isn’t just for kids. There are a lot of events happening on campus.

Ajay: Like what?

Lee: The environmental club is putting together a haunted house [casa encantada].

Jana: Are you going to be part of it?

Lee: Yeah, but I can’t tell you what I’ll be doing. It has to be a surprise. Otherwise, it won’t be as scary [no asustaría tanto]. You should all come to the haunted house on Saturday night.

Peter: Yes, we should all dress up and go to the haunted house.

Lucía: I’m in! [¡me apunto!] Also, there’s going to be food and games, like apple bobbing**, in the student center that night, so we could go to that too.

Ajay: Okay, I’ll dress up too. What should I be?

Jana: Well, there are six of us. Should we think of a group of six characters [personajes de un libro, obra teatral o película] and dress up as those characters?

Akinyi: We could be a group of superheroes.

Ajay: Yes! I’ve always wanted to be a superhero.

Peter: Why does that not surprise me?

karelimartines: hay...GRACIAS...
marinerito563: no fue tan dificil jaja
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