• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Dianmarismarleo
  • hace 9 años

oraciones afirmativas y negativas Con el verbo shall


Respuesta dada por: mpchacon10


I shall turn 30 next week.

We shall know the results of the exam next week.

I shall meet you there at 7.

A record shall be kept of all students arriving late to class.

Members of the board of directors shall be elected annually .


Candidates shall not have access to examination scripts.

You've let me down once too often and I shall not trust you.

The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against.

I'm afraid I shall not be able to come to your party.

You shall not catch me so easily next time.

Dianmarismarleo: Hey, thanks. But when I translate the sentences in Spanish, the shall not come out if not in will: '( (((Hey gracias. Pero cuando traduzco las oraciones en español, no salen el shall sino en will :'()))))
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