• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: wendy132000
  • hace 8 años

Sharing personal information about other people Match the questions to the answers. Is she a politician? She’s from Russia. Where’s she from? He’s about fifty, I think. Are you sure? No, they’re divorced. Are they married? No, I’m not sure. How old is he? No, she’s married. Is she single? No, she isn’t. She’s an artist.


Respuesta dada por: Gameresadike

Is she a politician? / No, she isn't. She's an artist.

Where's she from? / She's from Russia.

Are you sure? / No, I'm not sure.

Are they married? / No, they're divorced.

How old is he? / He's about fifty, I think.

Is she single / No, she's married.

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