1.-He had a fish that wanted to be an announcer and they shouted:
- We went on the air !!
And he died
2.-A woman tells her husband:
- If a lion attacked me and my mother, who would you save first?
- Well, the lion!
3.- One day, a turtle went to his first day of school and when he arrived, the vacations had already started!!
4.- What does a cow do in a mine?
01* God was creating the world and he was showing the name to the animals:
- You'll call yourself a chicken
- You'll call yourself a horse
- You'll call yourself a donkey
And he continued to give them their names and then the donkey asks:
- What was my name?
And God answers:
- Donkey
After 3 more minutes, the donkey asks:
- What was my name?
- Donkey
And so five times more he asks again:
- What was my name?
He answers:
- idiot donkey
And the donkey says:
- I was already learning the name and now it tells me the last name
02*This was once two little lambs that were playing ball and the ball is gone and one little lamb says to the other:
- Beeeeeeee!
And the other says:
- Beeeeeeeeee!
03*This is an English fox and a Spanish donkey that meet in the desert and the fox tells the donkey-An zorry And the donkey tells the fox- An burry
04*- In the corral the chicken mocked the bad luck of the pig ...
- Piglet I know that tomorrow they will kill you, lero, lero.
The trembling little pig asks the burlesque hen ...
- How do you know that tomorrow they're going to kill me?
- Because I heard the farmer who told his wife ... tomorrow we give that chicken chicharrón