• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lausele15p7a9bh
  • hace 9 años

Rewrite each sentence using passive voice for simple present tense.
1. People produce
cars in this factory.
2. The farmer grows
carrots in his field.
3. Mrs.Lawrance
milks her cow twice
a day.
4. Alexander plays
golf every Sunday

13. Most women
watch TV series at

14. Eva's mother
brushes her hair
every morning.

15. People cut down
more and more trees
every day.

16. Policemen catch
and arrest thieves
and robbers.


Respuesta dada por: alessandraliuporras

Rewrite each sentence using passive voice for simple present tense.

1. People produce

cars in this factory.

1: produces cars people in this factory

2. The farmer grows

carrots in his field.

2:grows carrots the farmer in his field

3. Mrs.Lawrance

milks her cow twice

a day.

3:one day Mrs.Lawrance

milking his cow twice

4. Alexander plays

golf every Sunday


4:Tomorrow plays golf alexander every Sunday

13. Most women

watch TV series at


13:watch television series most women at home

14. Eva's mother

brushes her hair

every morning.

14:every morning the mother of eva

brush your hair

15. People cut down

more and more trees

every day.

15:every day people cut more and more trees

16. Policemen catch

and arrest thieves

and robbers.

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se escriben las oraciones en voz pasiva (passive voice) para el tiempo verbal presente simple (simple present tense):

1. People produce cars in this factory.

   Cars are produced in this factory by people.

2. The farmer grows carrots in his field.

   Carrots are grown in his field by the farmer.

3. Mrs. Lawrance milks her cow

   Her cow is milked twice a day by Mrs. Lawrance.

4. Alexander plays every Sunday morning.

   Golf is played every Sunday morning by Alexander.

5. Most women watch TV series at home.

   TV series are watched at home by most women.

6. Eva's mother brushes her hair every morning.

   Her hair is brushed every morning by Eva's mother.

7. People cut down more and more trees every day.

   More and more trees are cut down every day by people.

8. Policemen catch and arrest thieves and robbers.

   Thieves and robbers are caught and arrested by policemen.

¿Cuándo se usa la voz pasiva (passive voice)?

Se utiliza la voz pasiva cuando se quiere dar más importancia al objeto, es decir, a quien recibe la acción que ha realizado el sujeto. Las oraciones se formulan con la siguiente estructura:


Objeto directo + verbo to be en el mismo tiempo verbal que tenía el verbo principal en la voz activa (is / are, was / were) + verbo en participio pasado


Verbo to be + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento?

Para ver más oraciones en voz pasiva (passive voice) consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/5376214

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