• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valentina219394
  • hace 8 años

15 oraciones de present perfect en afirmativo negativo e interrogativo tienen que ser diferentes entre ellas verbos regulares e irregulares(mas irreguares)


Respuesta dada por: anitaisabellr2p8ffob

I have not worked for my uncle. (Yo no he trabajado para mi tío)

She has not finished her homework. (Ella no ha terminado su tarea)

We have not visited them for the last year. (Nosotros no los hemos visitado durante el último año)

It has not rained for the last month. (No ha llovido durante el último mes)

They have not completed the project. (Ellos no han completado el proyecto)

I have not cooked something special for you. (Yo no he cocinado algo especial para ti)

He has not finished reading my book. (Él no ha terminado de leer mi libro)

You have not invested in something revolutionary. (Tú no has invertido en algo revolucionario)

We have not looked everywhere for the keys. (Nosotros no hemos buscado en todas partes las llaves)

I have not watched two seasons of this T.V. show. (Yo no he visto dos temporadas de este programa de televisión)

He has not read the book that you gave me yesterday. (El no ha leído el libro que me diste ayer)

She has not spoken with him. (Ella no ha hablado con él)

They have not lost my book. (Ellos no han perdido mi libro)

He has not forgotten what I said. (Él no ha olvidado lo que dije)

I have not been here before. (Yo no he estado aquí antes)

We have lived in this house for over twenty years. (Hemos vivido en esta casa por más de veinte años.)

She has never been to Florida. (Nunca ha estado en Florida.)

I’m bored; I have seen this film a thousand times. (Me aburro; he visto esta película mil veces.)

You have given up hope. (Has perdido la fe.)

I’ve lost my keys. (He perdido mis llaves.)

We have spoken about this issue in numerous occasions. (Hemos hablado de este tema en numerosas oportunidades.)

The project has cost them oven five thousand dollars. (El proyecto les ha costado más de cinco mil dólares.)

Have you ever been to Poland? (¿Alguna vez has estado en Polonia?)

We’ve become friends over the year. (Nos hemos hecho amigos con los años.)

I’ve learned this recipe by heart. (He aprendido esta receta de memoria.)

We have been here before. (Hemos estado aqúi antes.)

I haven’t learned a single thing in this class. (No he aprendido ni una sola cosa en esta clase.)

He has developed a fine taste in wine. (Ha desarrollado un delicado gusto para el vino.)

The boss has already been informed. (El jefe ya ha sido informado.)

I have worked for the company before. (He trabajado antes para la empresa.)

Have you worked for your uncle? (¿Has trabajado para tu tío?)

Has she finished her homework? (¿Ella ha terminado su tarea?)

I have to go, have we talked for more than two hours? (Yo me tengo que ir, ¿nosotros hemos hablado por más de dos horas?)

Have we visited them in the last year? (¿Nosotros los hemos visitado en el último año?)

Has he returned my car at last? (¿El ha regresado mi automóvil al fin?)

Has it rained in the last month? (¿Ha llovido en el último mes?)

Have they completed the project? (¿Ellos han completado el proyecto?)

Have you cooked something special for me? (¿Tú has cocinado algo especial para mí?)

Have you worked in that firm for many years? (¿Has trabajado en esa empresa por muchos años?)

Has he finished reading my book? (¿Él ha terminado de leer mi libro?)

Have you invested in something revolutionary? (¿Tú has invertido en algo revolucionario?)

Have you played this game before? (¿Has jugado este juego antes?)

Has he read the book that you gave me yesterday? (¿El ha leído el libro que me diste ayer?)

Has she spoken with him several times? (¿Ella ha hablado con él varias veces?)

Have they lent money to you many times? (¿Ellos te han prestado dinero muchas veces?)

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