which are the differences between an earthquake and a tsunami


Respuesta dada por: caramelo102

The earthquake is a movement of earth, if it is in the sea, it is still an earthquake.

The tsunami is a giant wave, almost always caused by an earthquake in the sea (the earth that moved under the water),

The difference is that the earthquake is the movement of the earth and the tsunami is just a giant wave, caused by the earthquake or any other factor. The most common origin of a tsunami or tsunami is the secondary effect of an earthquake or earthquake produced in areas covered by oceans. It should be noted that not all submarine earthquakes cause tsunamis, but must be given certain conditions in earthquakes for them to occur. In summary we can say that the tsunami is the result of an earthquake.

Tsunamis are also the origin of earth movements such as landslides, explosive eruptions of volcanoes and, more rarely, the fall of large meteors in the oceans.

A tsunami is a catastrophe in the sea, because of a movement of tectonic plates in that area, or as a consequence of an earthquake.

Instead, the earthquake is a movement of plates in the earth.

So the difference is that a tsunami occurs in the sea, and an earthquake, in the earth :)

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