• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayanahernanzu
  • hace 8 años

1. Complete the following sentences using the simple past in English. a. My father _went_ (go) to work by car yesterday. b. This morning I ___ (have) a shower. c. My sister ____ (not clean) her room on Saturday. d. This birds ___ (fly) over our heads. e. Last week my family ___ (buy) a new table for the dining room. f. The other day, I __ /(lose) my math book. g. I __ (tell) my mother a lie. h. We ___ (hear) a terrible sound outside last night. i. ____ (you//see) the football match Tuesday night? Paul ___ (drink) a liter of coke for lunch yesterday


Respuesta dada por: wgtz33

A. Went

B. Had

C didn't clean

D. Flew

E. Bought

F. Lost

G. Told

H, heard

I i saw

J. Drank.

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

A continuación, se completa las oraciones usando el tiempo verbal pasado simple (simple past):

a. My father went to work by car yesterday.

b. This morning I had a shower.

c. My sister didn’t clean her room on Saturday.

d. These birds flew over our heads.

e. Last week, my family bought a new table for the dining room.

f. The other day, I lost my math book.

g. I told my mother a lie.

h. We heard a terrible sound outside last night.

i. Did you see the football match Tuesday night?

j. Paul drank a liter of coke for lunch yesterday.

Estructura de las oraciones en simple past

El pasado simple se utiliza cuando se hablan de hechos o acontecimientos que ocurrieron en el pasado. Las oraciones se deben escribir con la siguiente estructura:


Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento.


Sujeto + did not / didn´t + verbo en forma básica + complemento.


Did + sujeto + verbo en forma básica + complemento?

Para aprender más sobre el simple past puedes consultar aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/164102

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