• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: garciaareyka351
  • hace 9 años

alguien me puede realizar 14 situaciones y consejos de uso en ingles y ser respondido con SHOULD - SHOULDNT


Respuesta dada por: g4mb13r

1) yesterday my friend dropped a 5 dollar bill ( you should pick it up and tell her she dropped it)

2) you see that your friend’s girlfriend is pretty ( you shouldn’t flirt with your friend’s girlfriend)

3) your teacher assigns a homework that is due tomorrow ( you should do homework and Be responsable)

4) you have a test today and you don’t know one of the answers (you shouldn’t look at your friend’s answer and copy it)

5) your mom asks you if you cleaned your room already ( you should be honest and tell her the truth )

6) your crush has a girlfriend but you still like the guy ( you shouldn’t try to get with him )

7) one of your friends is sad ( you should try to make him feel better )

8) you see that the floor of your house is wet ( you shouldn’t run around the house because you might fall)

9) you see that there is an accident in front of your house ( you should stay inside and not get involved )

10) you hear that there is a killer in your neighborhood( you shouldn’t be getting out of your house )

11) your teacher tells you not to use your phone in class ( you should keep your phone on silent so that you don’t get in trouble )

12) your mom tells you not to have a boyfriend ( you shouldn’t be dating anyone)

13) you have a homework that is due next week ( you should start doing it now )

14) you have a girlfriend but you like someone else ( you shouldn’t say that you’re single just because you like that one other girl )

garciaareyka351: GRACIASSSSSSS
g4mb13r: De nada , no estaba segura a que te referías con “ 14 situaciónes “ si te sirve lo que escribí??
g4mb13r: Si claro ! No hay problema
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