Me pueden ayudar :Ordenar y escribir oraciones en PASADO CONTINUO y PASADO SIMPLE pero en ingles .
Por ejemplo:
a) Rita / bake / a cake
- Rita was baking a cake
- Rita baked a cake yesterday
b) Cristina and Daniel / hell tired / after school.
c) Leo / surf / the internet.
d) My mom / water / plants
e) Susana / iron / cotsof clothes.
f) Nelson / drive / is new car
g) The students /do/ their homework
h) i /write / on my notebook
cristina and daniel were hell tireding after school
cristina and daniel hell tireded after school
leo was surfing the internet
leo surfered the internet
my mom was watering the plants
my mom watered the plants
susana was ironing cotsof clothes
susana was ironed cotsof clothes
nelson was driving his new car
nelson drived his new car
the students were doing their homework
the studentes did their homework
I was writing in my notebook
I wrote in my notebook
Leo was surfing the internet.
Leo surfed the internet.
My mom was watering the plants.
My mom watered the plants.
Susana was ironing lots of clotbes.
Susana ironed lots of clothes.
Nelson was driving his new car.
Nelson drove his new car.
The studrntes where doing their homework.
The studrbts did their homework.
I was writing on my notebook.
I wrote on my notebook.