• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: villaloboscamilo2006
  • hace 9 años

necesito un texto de 10 renglones en presente progresivo


Respuesta dada por: alanrobelli12005

I'm talking with my mom about my collegeship. She's saying that's better starting to study; but the real thing is that i don't wanna start to stading. My father is working, but I know He's going to say the same.

I want to be traveling. I'm studying since I have memory; I wanna rest of that. I'm taking a fallow year in France; Learning French and contemporean art.

Respuesta dada por: olorteguigarciamaric


It's a beautiful summer. I'm thinking of planning a trip to Hawaii with my best friend, I'm going to tell my parents today because I'm spending time with my family. My mother, Josie is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of us. She is making some juice and talking to my father, Jack, she is also making my favorite butter caramel popcorn while we're waiting for her to start talking about my trip. My brother, Joel, is in his bedroom playing computer games. Flopi, our cat, is sleeping on the kitchen's sofa.


espero que te ayude

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