• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andersonbetancur7
  • hace 9 años

me mandaron este deber peo nose
hacer 10 oraciones con ANY negativas y 10 con ANY interrogativas


Respuesta dada por: ormarjorie05

negativas :

1.there isn't  any tomatoes.

2. there wasn't  any people in the party last night .

3. there isn't any onion in the fridge, i'm going to buy.

4. my cousin said that there wasn't any carrot in the fridge.

5. there isn't any people in the super marker.

6.  there isn't any boy in my heart :')

7.  i'm not got any feeling for you (mi crush botandome a la friendzone)

8.  my heart isn't got any remeber of you

9. my computer isn't got any photos.

10. there is not any food:')


1. there is any question,class?

2. there is any tomatoes?

3there is any body, here?

4. there is any cake in the fridge'

5. there is any cookie in the bag?

6. there is any body in your brain, now?

7. there is any hallevator in this shopping center?

8. there is any restaurant near here?

9. there is any park in this town?

10 there is any awnser?

espero que te sirva :3

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