solve v (solved, solved)
El matemático resolvió la ecuación. The mathematician solved the equation.
Debo resolver el problema lo antes posible. I must solve the issue as soon as possible.
resolve v (resolved, resolved)
La compañía es rápida para resolver problemas. The company is quick to resolve problems.
Resolvimos el viejo problema con un nuevo enfoque. We resolved the old problem with a new approach.
settle (sth.) v (settled, settled)
El abogado ayudó a resolver el asunto. The lawyer helped settle the issue.
sort out v
Las dos partes querían resolver el problema. Both parties wanted to sort out the problem.
clarify sth. v
La maestra resolvió las dudas de sus alumnos. The teacher clarified her students' doubts.
figure out v
Finalmente resolví esta ecuación matemática. I finally figured out this mathematical equation.
unravel sth. v [fig.]
Los detectives resolvieron el caso. The detectives unraveled the case.