• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tatihermosa04
  • hace 8 años

oraciones superlativas y comparativas en ingles con estos adjetivos cow ,expensive ,busy, head ,close,fast,big,important,high AYUDEMEN X FAVOR 


Respuesta dada por: josefinajory
comparativa: english its more important than music
your house’s its bigger than my house
the turttle isnt faster than tiger
superlativa: education its the most important in yours life
my bag its the biggest in class

Respuesta dada por: candelalvarezconde12


Explicación:comparativa: english its more important than music

your house’s its bigger than my house

the turttle isnt faster than tiger

superlativa: education its the most important in yours life

my bag its the biggest in class

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