• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: liz8577
  • hace 8 años

Verbs- Change the sentence to the simple past tense and circle the past verb you changed.
1.The child will maker a castle out of wooden blocks.
2.Mark will spread jam across his toast.
3.He will shut the door on his way out.
4.The girls leaves the room in a hurry.
5.The tornado will come this way fast.


Respuesta dada por: gatitalinda3
sorry no te puedo ayudar:(
Respuesta dada por: sofiquesada22

The child made (will make) a castle out of wooden blocks.

Mark spread (will spread) jam across his toast.

He shut (will shut) the door on his way out.

The girls left (leaves) the room in a hurry.

The tornado came (will come) this way fast.

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