They give me money every week. (Ellos me dan dinero cada semana)
Sam always tells the truth to you. (Sam siempre te dice la verdad a ti)
I teach English to her. (Yo le enseño inglés a ella)
Bill is a true friend to us. (Bill es un verdadero amigo para nosotros)
They want to give a present to you. (Ellos quieren darles un regalo a ustedes)
Tell the truth to them. (Dile la verdad a ellos)
Tom gave me a present. (Tom me dio un regalo)
Grandpa saw you leave. (El abuelo te vio irte)
Samantha gave a present to her. (Samantha le dio un regalo a ella)
The boy told us a secret. (El niño nos dijo un secreto)
I wanted them to leave. (Quería que ellos se fueran)
I told you not to go there. (Les dije a ustedes que no fueran allí)
Sally is making me laugh. (Sally me está haciendo reír)
Tim is giving her a headache. (Tim le está dando a ella dolor de cabeza)
The boys are baking a cake for her. (Los niños están horneando un pastel para ella)
My mother is talking to them. (Mi mamá está hablando con ellos)
Benny was telling a story to them. (Benny les estaba contando un cuento a ellos)
I was fixing the bike for you. (Estaba arreglando la bici para ti)
They were calling her to meet up. (Le estaban llamando a ella para verse)
Pam and Tom were arranging a meeting with them. (Pam y Tom estaban organizando una junta con ellos)