• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danieliiitoooop7rt2c
  • hace 8 años

1. I'm in terrible shape. I ................................... exercise more! (I feel that more exercise is an absolute necessity for me) 2. ................................... you copy this and learn it by heart for tomorrow morning. (Do you have the capacity to do this) 3. Jane ................................... be sent to Australia for her job but nothing's decided yet. (the trip is possible but at the moment nothing is certa


Respuesta dada por: aleisa2705

1. have to

2. Can

3. might

danieliiitoooop7rt2c: ayudame en esta porfa
danieliiitoooop7rt2c: 1. obligation - (I/stop) smoking doctor?
possibility - No, but if you don't stop you die.
2. advice It's going to be very cold tonight so you turn on
the central heating.
3. obligation That job is only open to university graduates. You have
danieliiitoooop7rt2c: 4. no necessity I can stay in bed on Saturday because I work.
5. permission - I borrow your car tomorrow ?
possibility - No because I need it if I go shopping.
6. possibility It rain, but I doubt it.
danieliiitoooop7rt2c: ayuda porfa
Respuesta dada por: wgtz33

1. Need to

2. Can

3. Will

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