• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dennimacelipfduc6
  • hace 8 años

Hola me pueden ayudar por favor es urgente


tanihas2006: que tiempo es
tanihas2006: 1- the food is will be prepared carefull
tanihas2006: 2- an anmouncenment will make tomorrow
an anmouncenment maked yesterday
tanihas2006: 3- the computers will pick up by the director
tanihas2006: 4- christopher columbus will discover America in 1492
tanihas2006: 5- we ate very late yesterday
we will eat very late yesterday


Respuesta dada por: DylanEIintelectual

The food i s being prepared carefully.

El 2) no se puede porque dice will que tiene que ver con el futuro pero dice yesterday osea ayer.

The computers will be picked up  by the Director.

Christopher Colombus discovered America in 1492.

We ate very late yesterday.

Respuesta dada por: dsup1319

1.- The food is being prepared carefully

2.- An announcement was made yesterday (Creo que esto es lo correcto)

3.- The computers will picked up by the director

4.- Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492

5.- We ate very late yesterday

Espero haberte ayudado :)

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