• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: edward123
  • hace 9 años

ola necesito que me ayuden aser esto amigos gracias

Escriba los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta de Past Simple. Use Did en algunos casos
10. 1. He ---------- (write) his homework last Sunday.
2. Mary ----------- (not go) to school last week.
3.------------ you------- (play) basketball two weeks ago?
4. I ---------- (study) French last year.
5. They --------- (buy) a new flat last month.
6. John ------- (take) his driving test yesterday but he (not pass) it.
7. Tim---------- (go) to Paris last summer.
8.------- your parents ----------- (meet) at university?
9. When I --------- (be) a child, I --------- (speak) German.
10. We --------- (see) him yesterday but he---------- (not see) us.


Respuesta dada por: flordeceibo
Escriba los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta de Past Simple. Use Did en algunos casos
10. 1. He -WROTE--------- (write) his homework last Sunday.
2. Mary -DIDN'T go---------- (not go) to school last week.
3.----Did-------- you----play--- (play) basketball two weeks ago?
4. I ---STUDIED------- (study) French last year.
5. They BOUGHT--------- (buy) a new flat last month.
6. John --TOOK----- (take) his driving test yesterday but he DID NOT PASS(not pass) it.
7. Tim----WENT------ (go) to Paris last summer.
8.DID------- your parents ----MEET------- (meet) at university?
9. When I --WAS------- (be) a child, I --SPOKE------- (speak) German.
10. We -SAW-------- (see) him yesterday but he--DIDN'T SEE------- (not see) us

edward123: uaaaa por dios ayudame en ingles
edward123: soy untonto en ingles
edward123: ayudame pr el hattsapp si tienes
edward123: este es mi whattsapp +573045872796
flordeceibo: No hay tontos. Si aprendiste un idioma podes aprender otro. Me estoy yendo a cocinar. Estoy en uruguay y son casi las 10. Salu2
edward123: aa
edward123: bien a uqe hras tge conectas
edward123: a que horas te conectas flrdeceibo
edward123: bueno amigo de tdos modos gracias solo queria hablar con tigo a ver si me explicabas algo por que al parecer se ve ue eres una persona muy buena en ingles
edward123: adios
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