• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: LaCabraHd
  • hace 8 años

1. Underline the correct alternatives to
complete the rules.

Past and Perfect tenses
a. We use the past perfect simple / continuous
for a completed action that happened before
a specific time in the past.

b. We use the past perfect simple o continuous
to explain the cause of something in the past.
we use the past perfect simple / continuous
If the cause went on for some time.

c. With state verbs (know, be, like, etc..) we use
The past perfect simple / continuous with for
or since to say how long an action had been in

d. With action verbs, we use the past perfect
simple / continuous with for o since to say how
long and action had been progress.


Respuesta dada por: christiansl12345
a. past perfect simple
b. past perfect simple
c. continous
d. past perfect simple
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