• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kevinsantiagomp2ie5c
  • hace 8 años

Quisiera las respuestas de las siguientes preguntas en segundo condicional:
¿Qué pensarías si yo desafinara al cantar? What would you think if I sang out of tune?

¿Cuál de las dos sería mejor para ella si estuviera embarazada? Which of the two would be better for her if she were pregnant?

¿Qué cambiaríais si de vosotros dependiera? What would you change if it were up to you?

¿Dónde aterrizarías si tuvieras un billete para Brazzaville? Where would you land if you had a ticket to Brazzaville?

¿Cuándo se lo dirías a tu jefe si tuvieras que dimitir? When would you tell your boss if you had to hand in your notice?

¿Adónde volvería (él) si tuviera oportunidad? Where would he go back to if he had the chance?

¿A quién recurriría (ella) si (él) no fuera su amigo? Who would she turn to if he weren’t her friend?

¿Cómo lo harías si dependiera de ti? How would you do it if it were up to you?

¿Quién nos echaría una mano si estuviéramos en apuros? Who would help us out if we were in trouble?


Respuesta dada por: danielasurth
  • ¿Qué pensarías si yo desafinara al cantar? What would you think if I sang out of tune?

If you sang out of tune, i would think that you need more practice

Si tu desafinaras al cantar, yo pensaría que necesitas mas practica

  • ¿Cuál de las dos sería mejor para ella si estuviera embarazada? Which of the two would be better for her if she were pregnant?

If she were pregnant, the second one would be better for her

Si ella estuviera embarazada, la segunda seria mejor para ella

  • ¿Qué cambiaríais si de vosotros dependiera? What would you change if it were up to you?

I would change the way most people think if it were up to me

Yo cambiaría la forma en la que la mayoría de la gente piensa si dependiera de mi

  • ¿Dónde aterrizarías si tuvieras un billete para Brazzaville? Where would you land if you had a ticket to Brazzaville?

I would land at la Basílica de Santa Ana if I had a ticket to Brazzaville

Yo aterrizaría en la Basílica de Santa Ana si tuviera un billete para Brazzaville

  • ¿Cuándo se lo dirías a tu jefe si tuvieras que dimitir? When would you tell your boss if you had to hand in your notice?

I would tell it right away to my boss if I had to hand in my notice

Yo le diría inmediatamente a mi jefe si tuviera que dimitir

  • ¿Adónde volvería (él) si tuviera oportunidad? Where would he go back to if he had the chance?

If he had the chance, i'm sure he will return to Venezuela

Si el tuviera la oportunidad, estoy segura que regresaria a Venezuela

  • ¿A quién recurriría (ella) si (él) no fuera su amigo? Who would she turn to if he weren’t her friend?

I think if he weren't her friend, she will turn to her sister

Yo creo que si el no fuera su amigo, ella recurriría a su hermana

  • ¿Cómo lo harías si dependiera de ti? How would you do it if it were up to you?

If it were up to me, I would do it more efficiently

Si dependiera de mi, yo lo haria mas eficientemente

  • ¿Quién nos echaría una mano si estuviéramos en apuros? Who would help us out if we were in trouble?

If we were in trouble, our family will always help us

Si estuviéramos en problemas, nuestra familia siempre nos ayudara

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