• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nafesitoscs
  • hace 9 años

como identifico los modal verbs en este texto
A farmer once had a friend who was famous for wonderful apple trees which he grew.One day this friend gave the farmer a fine young tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home he dind't know where to plant it . He was afraid if he planted the tree near road, strangers would steal the fruit. if he planted it in one of his fields , his neighbors would come at night and steal some apples . finally he planted it deep in his woods, where on onel no one could seet it but , naturally without sunlight and good soil the trees son died.


Respuesta dada por: onava99

Los verbos modales expresan modalidad, habilidad, posibilidad, necesidad u otra condición. Los utilizamos para el futuro y el condicional.

Los verbos modales son:








 ought to

 must/have to


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