• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 9 años

necesito 15 oraciones interrogativas en ingles con lo siguiente:
verb to be , subjeto, verbo ing, complemento, ?
si me puedes ayudar muchas gracias


Respuesta dada por: flordeceibo
What are you doing with the dog?
Who is the girl who is watching TV?
When is the teacher coming?
Who are those people eating?
Which is running, your horse or mine?
Where are they staying today?
7-What are they going to buy?
Where are they going to read the poem?
What am I doing?
Which is sleeping?
Where are they spending their free time?
12When are you taking your mum to the doctor?
Why are you walking so fast?
Why are they coming so soon?
15Which is barking?

Anónimo: gracias
Anónimo: pero necesito con el verbo to be
Anónimo: pero si esta bien
flordeceibo: tenes el verbo to cuando usas: am, is, are. Sino plantea de nuevo la pregunta, manda mensaje aca y te la contesto aca. NO quiero puntos. AYUDAR si. Pasamela bien explicada.
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