• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ninitatarazona
  • hace 9 años

por favor me colaboran con una tarea de ingles
make sentences using the next actions affirmative, negative and questions loith answers: eat, dring, pidy, study, read, cook, buy, sell, work, say, walk, go, pray, travel, paint.
le agradezco q me colaboren


Respuesta dada por: angel2017tube

I Don't Want to EAT pizza tonight  Can i drink whisky? Yes you can  I won't go to PRAY on sunday  I would like to STUDY with you but i can't  Did you READ this book? Yes i did   You doesn't COOK at mornings   I won't BUY that car, is very expensive   I will sell my house if i need money   I didn't come to work because i Was sick   I won't say what happend in the party   I walk on the street every Day   Can i go with you to the mall? No, you can't  I'm goingt to travel next month to Brazil   I have to paint with colors for my class

ninitatarazona: q pena cada oracion tiene q llevar acciones afirmativas y negativas a cada pregunta y respuesta
angel2017tube: Mmta todavía que te ayudo, explica bien tu tarea para saber cómo es,
ninitatarazona: es hacer oraciones con cada uno de los verbos usando las siguientes acciones afirmativas y negativas y preguntas con repuestas. q pena le agradezco q me colabores gracias
ninitatarazona: ejemplo: say = luisa says lies. she doesrit say lies. does she say lies?. yes, she does. no, she doesrit. ese es el unico ejemplo q tengo
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