• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fernandezoctaviojj
  • hace 8 años

tengo que hacer un dialogo sobre un accidente de transito con aproximadamente cinco personas


Respuesta dada por: Mililerchu

Police man: Hi, it's everything ok?

Marcos: Hi officer. We had a problem: a car crossed us and we crash, but we are okay. Only 2 have a headache.

Police man: Did persons were with you in the car when you crashed?

Marcos: Yes, we are 5 persons.

Police man: Ok, did you see the other driver? Or check if he's ok?

Marcos: Yes, I saw him. His name is Jonathan, he's ok.

Police man: Uhm, I see that the acciden't it's no serious, but you must call to a crane.

Marcos: Ok, officer. Thank you so much

Police Man: No problem, bye.

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