If you heat ice, it melts.
Ice melts if you heat it.
When you heat ice, it melts.
Ice melts when you heat it.
If it rains, the grass gets wet.
The grass gets wet if it rains.
When it rains, the grass gets wet.
The grass gets wet when it rains.
If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.
Plants die if they don't get enough water.
If my husband has a cold, I usually catch it.
If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars.
If you mix red and blue, you get purple.
If Bill phones, tell him to meet me at the cinema.
Ask Pete if you're not sure what to do.
If you want to come, call me before 5:00.
Meet me here if we get separated.
If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (Si calientas agua a 100 grados, hierve)
If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars. (Si el transporte público es eficiente, la gente deja de usar sus autos)
If you cross the line, you are in our country. (Si cruzas la línea, estás en nuestro país)
If children study, then their parents are happy. (Si los niños estudian, sus padres son felices)
Plants die if they don’t get enough water. (Las plantas mueren si obtienen suficiente agua)
Pitagoras said that if you add the squares of the legs you get the square of the hypotenuse of a triangle. (Pitagoras dijo que si sumas el cuadrado de los lados entonces obtienes el cuadrado de la hipotenusa de un triángulo)
If you mix red and blue, you get purple. (Si mezclas rojo y azul, obtienes violeta)