• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marianasalazar4204
  • hace 8 años

Ayuda por favor necesito hacer de preguntas con sus respuestas utilizando verbo to be y las contracciones


Respuesta dada por: yashraja

Owen_______like to run.

a) don't

b) doesn't


Which contraction uses the apostrophe correctly?

a) she'will

b) she'll

c) shew'ill

What is the name of the punctuation mark that we use in contractions?

a) colon

b) comma

c) elephant

d) apostrophe

Which contraction uses the apostrophe correctly?

a) does'not

b) does not

c) doesn't

The words "they are" can be shortened to:

a) there

b) the're

c) they're

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