• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jairfabian4peav40
  • hace 9 años

ejemplos de there were


Respuesta dada por: valen8014pea8g6

There were only ten people in the office today because of the snow. Sólo había diez personas en la oficina hoy a causa de la nieve.

In some countries there were also increased subsidies. En algunos países también se incrementaron los subsidios.

In one case, there were even attacks on Chinese migrants, leading to 18 deaths. En un caso, se registraron incluso ataques contra inmigrantes chinos, que terminaron en 18 muertes.

Second , the targets themselves were wrong, and there were far too many. En segundo lugar, los objetivos mismos eran inadecuados, y también eran demasiados.

There were improvements in 2009 in this regard. En 2009 se realizaron mejoras a este respecto.

Although there were differences between us, I must say that the atmosphere was good. A pesar de existir diferencias entre nosotros, debo decir que el ambiente fue positivo.

There were two major points at issue and five minor ones. Había en juego dos grandes cuestiones y cinco de carácter menos

Respuesta dada por: angelssaray99

there was a happy boy in the park. there was a big house in the street there were 10 peoples in the trip there were 4 cookies in the oven  there was a snake in the zoo there was a special food for you there were a butterflies in this place there were some orange juice pitcher there was a pretty dog in that car there were some rebellious students in the class  Ver más en Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/4388475#readmore

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