• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhossdan3456
  • hace 10 años

frecuency adverbs 10 oraciones con verbo ro be y 10 con otros verbos


Respuesta dada por: jaimealvarado
 Juana is never angry. 
Jenny is always happy. 
 I always get up early. 
 I sometimes have cereal for breakfast. 
Mary prepares eggs often. 
 We never get to work late. 
 George comes very seldom. 
 You hardly ever talk to me. 
We always invite a lot of people to our parties.
Sarah never wants to dance with me. 
My math teacher is usually late. 
 I never want to see you again. 
Alice always goes to the gym at 4 pm. 
 I sometimes have lunch at the school cafeteria. 
. I usually walk my dog in the afternoons

jhossdan3456: porfavor me puede ayudar pero las oraciones tienen que ser con frecuemcy adverbs
jaylenne1995: me gustaron las oraxiones no esta mal
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