• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camiliithad
  • hace 8 años

oraciones afirmativas negativas e interrogativas en presente perfecto con el verbo buy,think,lose,sleep,ask,call,cry,clean,fix


Respuesta dada por: alexisquispeturpo123

That won’t do you no good.

I ain’t got no time for supper.

Nobody with any sense isn’t going.

I can’t find my keys nowhere.

She never goes with nobody.

John says he has not seen neither Alice or Susan all day.

You can’t see no one in this crowd.

There aren’t no presents left to open.

The secret cave did not have none of the treasures they wanted.

All the witnesses claimed that didn’t see nothing.

The pilot can’t find no place to land.

He did not mention neither the deposit nor the rate.

There is no way you can do nothing about this.

He doesn’t have nothing but the clothes on his back.

We haven’t never seen a tornado that big.

It ain’t right to not paint the house.

You shouldn’t do nothing to the house.

The hospital won’t allow no more visitors.

I don’t have nobody to mow my lawn.

That attitude won't get you nowhere.

After the nose job, she didn’t want no one to see her.

The star couldn’t sing no more after the matinee performance.

Respuesta dada por: 0612luisjosemorales


That will not do you no good.

I was not got no time for supper.

Nobody with any sense is not going.

I can not find my keys nowhere.

She never goes with nobody.

John says he has not seen either Alice or Susan all day.

You can not see one in this crowd.

There are not no presents left to open.

The secret cave did not have any of the treasures they wanted.

All the witness claimed that did not see nothing.

The pilot can not find no place to land.

He did not mention neither the deposit nor the rate.

There is no way you can do nothing about this.

He does not have nothing but the clothes on his back.

We have not ever seen a tornado that big.

It is not right to not paint the house.

You should not do anything to the house.

The hospital will not allow no more visitors.

I do not have any to mow my lawn.

That attitude will not get you nowhere.

After the nose job, she did not want no one to see her.

The star could not sing no more after the matinee performance


Eso no te hará ningún bien.

No tuve tiempo para la cena.

Nadie con ningún sentido no va.

No puedo encontrar mis llaves en ninguna parte.

Ella nunca va con nadie.

John dice que no ha visto ni a Alice ni a Susan en todo el día.

No puedes ver uno en esta multitud.

No quedan regalos para abrir.

La cueva secreta no tenía ninguno de los tesoros que querían.

Todo el testigo alegó que no vio nada.

El piloto no puede encontrar ningún lugar para aterrizar.

No mencionó ni el depósito ni la tasa.

No hay manera de que no puedas hacer nada al respecto.

No tiene nada más que la ropa en la espalda.

Nunca hemos visto un tornado tan grande.

No es correcto no pintar la casa.

No debes hacer nada a la casa.

El hospital no permitirá más visitas.

No tengo ninguno para cortar mi césped.

Esa actitud no te llevará a ninguna parte.

Después de la cirugía de nariz, no quería que nadie la viera.

La estrella ya no pudo cantar más después de la actuación matinal.

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