• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rutuselene6089
  • hace 8 años

hello my name is ana i am twenty-five years old i live in miami florida with my husband and two children you have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade they both attend public school my husband is a mechanic on weekends the works at a restaurant as a dishwasher the restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends so they need extra people to wash disheswho is introducing herself¿  no entiendo la pregunta


Respuesta dada por: omarhdez1999

Igual que tú, creería que la pregunta está mal formulada. Lo ideal sería que es Ana porque ella describe de su vida y su esposo.

Respuesta dada por: wgtz33

Who is introducing herself?
Quien se esta introduciendo o presrntando?

En ese caso seria Ana.

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